Dillon Scalzo

Dillon Scalzo is a poet and translator with a passion for working back and forth between the mediums of Spanish and English. While based on the U.S./Mexico border in San Diego, California/Tijuana y Tecate, Baja California, he completed a BA in English and Spanish at the University of San Diego and later an MFA in Creative Writing at San Diego State University. He has studied in México, Spain, and in 2016 completed a U.S. Fulbright grant in Uruguay where he taught Creative Writing in Spanish and English. Dillon is interested in all things transfronterizo, especially the movement of poetry and art across physical and imaginal borderlands. He currently teaches Creative Writing for Writers in the Schools Houston, ESL for adults at Adult Education Center Texas, and is a translator and FAQ Team Museum Educator at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH).