What will you see today?

CAMH offers a variety of programs and events related to its exhibitions. You can browse based on your category of interest—exhibitions, music, family, and more.

Write a Postcard

Explore CAMH's current exhibitions, Theaster Gates: The Gift and The Renege and Olivia Erlanger: If Today Were Tomorrow, then share your favorite part of the exhibition in a postcard to a friend. The Museum will mail out all postcards on your behalf.

Collaborative Art

Inspired by WE WILL SAVE OURSELVES (2024) by artist Theaster Gates, collaborate on a text-based collage to encourage dialogue on present-day challenges and important current events.

Riverside Terrace: Where Today and Tomorrow Collided with Stephen Fox

Brown Foundation Gallery Houston, TX, United States

Join us for a talk with Stephen Fox in conjunction with the exhibition Olivia Erlanger: If Today Were Tomorrow. This talk examines the history of a Houston subdivision, initially developed for a middle-to-upper-middle market of (implicitly: white) Houstonians beginning in 1924. As Houston’s economy recovered from the Great Depression during the mid-1930s, Riverside Terrace became the neighborhood most associated with Houston’s Jewish elite. Then, in the 1950s, the neighborhood's demographics flipped as it was desegregated, becoming by the 1970s the neighborhood most associated with Houston’s African American elite. Riverside Terrace has it all: parkways, freeways, segregation, integration, and architecture. It’s how history really happens.

Imagining Home

Inspired by artist Olivia Erlanger’s decade-long investigation of the definition of “home”, as seen in the exhibition Olivia Erlanger: If Today Were Tomorrow, explore your own vision of home through drawing.

Summer Community Celebration

Spend a summer afternoon indoors and explore CAMH’s current exhibitions, Theaster Gates: The Gift and The Renege and Olivia Erlanger: If Today Were Tomorrow, through a variety of hands-on activities at the Museum!

Queer Teen Night

LGBTQ+ youth and allies are invited to a celebration inspired by Olivia Erlanger: If Today Were Tomorrow. Meet other queer and LGBT teens from the Greater Houston area at CAMH for a night of art-making, food, and music. Learn about local community organizations, queer spaces, and CAMH’s Teen Council, and join a free raffle for a chance to win CAMH SHOP merch!

ToGather: A gathering of people, ideas, information and food


ToGather is an immersive gathering and conversation around water and its wayfaring qualities and strengths of the newly freed Black people that founded Freedmen's Town and their descendants who made it their home after traversing south coastal waters. Merging historical data, fascination, and speculation, ToGather focuses on the significance of the Gulf and Texas waters leading to Buffalo Bayou as sites of examination.

Impossible Paper Architecture

Inspired by Olivia Erlanger’s off-world landscapes and impossible architectures, create a surreal structure using paper and tape.