Header CherylDoneganandHeidiZuckerman InConversation January2019 1400x875
In Conversation

Cheryl Donegan and Heidi Zuckerman

January 19, 2019 | 2:00PM - 3:00PM


Learn more about the exhibition Cheryl Donegan: GRLZ + VEILS with artist Cheryl Donegan, and Heidi Zuckerman, the Nancy and Bob Magoon CEO and Director at the Aspen Art Museum, Colorado.


Explore Donegan’s process and learn more about the inspiration behind the work. This program will be a gallery walk-through which will require standing for the duration. If you need special accommodations to be made please contact fcleveland@camh.org.

Immediately following the In Conversation program Cheryl Donegan will be signing copies of the exhibition catalogue which are available for purchase in the Museum Shop.

This program is made possible due to the generous support of the Bank of Texas.