Risa Puleo is the Guest Curator at the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Texas. In 2017, Puleo was the Curator-in-Residence at Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha, Nebraska where she curated the exhibition Monarchs: Brown and Native Artists in the Path of the Butterfly. She is currently working on exhibitions that will be presented at the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston; Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts; Charlotte Street Foundation, Kansas City, Missouri; ArtPace, San Antonio, Texas; Franklin Street Works, Stamford, Connecticut; and the Leslie-Lohman Museum in New York, New York. Puleo holds Master’s degrees from the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College and Hunter College’s Art History program (both New York, New York), and has been accepted into the doctoral program in Art History at Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois. She has written for Art in America, Art Papers, Art 21, Asia Art Pacific, Hyperallergic, Modern Paintersand other art publications.