Introduction | Just a Dream... (Solo un sueño)


Vincent Valdez, artist. Patricia Restrepo, Curator at CAMH. Denise Markonish Chief Curator at Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MOCA).


Vincent Valdez, artista. Patricia Restrepo, Curadora de CAMH. Denise Markonish Curadora Principal de Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MOCA).

Vincent Valdez, Just a Dream (In America), 2020–21. Oil on canvas, audio component, and bricks, 95 x 63 inches. Williams College Museum of Art, Museum purchase, Kathryn Hurd Fund, M.2021.5, Williamstown. Photo: Chris Gardner.
Vincent Valdez, Just a Dream (In America), 2020–21. Oil on canvas, audio component, and bricks, 95 x 63 inches. Williams College Museum of Art, Museum purchase, Kathryn Hurd Fund, M.2021.5, Williamstown. Photo: Chris Gardner.